What keeps you awake at night?
We’ve helped thousands of families over the years sleep more soundly. Read about some of the ways we’ve solved their most pressing financial concerns.

Jennifer, 47
"Will I be able to live the retirement of my dreams?"
Are you confident your investments will help you live the retirement of your dreams? Jennifer came to us with a very specific understanding of what she didn’t want in her investments. “I hate junk bonds,” she exclaimed. It only took one glance at her list of investments to see that she had not just one but three junk bond funds. Her set risk level was far too aggressive for her needs and the overlap in her asset classes was highlighted by numerous junk bond funds she held. We changed the investment mix so that it aligned with her plan, reduced the risk, and set her up for a successful retirement. She felt so relieved when we showed her how her investments will work for her in retirement.
I can invest in index funds and I will be okay.
Investing for your unique situation should be based on a comprehensive financial plan and matching your portfolio to that plan. That takes special skill, experience and knowledge.
Truth: Investing for your unique situation should be based on a comprehensive financial plan and matching your portfolio to that plan. That takes special skill, experience and knowledge.

Her set risk level was far too aggressive for her needs and the overlap in her asset classes was highlighted by numerous junk bond funds she held.

Once we showed her the tax consequences as well as the benefits of delaying Social Security income, she changed her mind in an instant! Analyzing when, how and from where to take the money is one of the most crucial challenges in retirement.

Rebecca, 60
"When should I take distributions from my IRA?"
Rebecca came to us with a plan for generating income in retirement. She was going to take Social Security at 62 and then live off her bank account cash until she had to take Required Minimum Distributions from her IRA at age 70. Yikes! Doing that would have been disastrous. Once we showed her the tax consequences as well as the benefits of delaying Social Security income, she changed her mind in an instant! Analyzing when, how, and from where to take the money is one of the most crucial challenges in retirement. Rebecca now has a plan for making her money last and giving her what she needs to live her retirement dreams.
Annuities are the only way to get steady income in retirement.
Annuities are expensive. They can provide some security but putting all of your money in annuities can leave you without enough liquidity.

Lauren and Peter, 58 & 59
"Why did I suddenly receive a $40k tax bill in the mail?"
In April, Lauren and Peter called us in a panic. They had a $40,000 tax bill and had no idea why. Their current advisor had given them no warning. An active mutual fund they had held for years, had generated a large capital gain distribution in December. To make matters worse, the dividend was reinvested and now they had to create more gains because they needed to sell shares to pay the tax! This never needs to happen! We became their new advisors and began to work to make sure there were no surprises in the future. Taxes are a fact of life but with careful planning, you can minimize the impact and amount you have to pay. By the next year, Lauren and Peter were prepared. They had a plan and were confident in the outcome. No more shocking tax surprises!
If you are paying taxes, you are making money.
Many folks reach retirement and are shocked by the increase in taxes when they turn 72. You can lose money in your IRA but the distribution is still fully taxable. For most, Social Security is also partially taxed.
Truth: Many folks reach retirement and are shocked by the increase in taxes when they turn 72. You can lose money in your IRA but the distribution is still fully taxable. For most, Social Security is also partially taxed.

They had a $40,000 tax bill and had no idea why. Their current advisor had given them no warning.

Janet was single, had no children and was ready to retire. What income was she replacing with this insurance and for whom? She had plenty of assets.

Janet, 55
"My term life policy is up for renewal, what should I do?"
When was the last time you reviewed your insurance policies-all of them including life insurance, homeowners insurance, car insurance, etc? Janet is typical of many folks who come to us for advice. Her term life policy was up for renewal and the premium jumped dramatically-10 times the original. She was concerned about the high cost. When we asked her what the insurance was for, she paused. Janet was single, had no children, and was ready to retire. What income was she replacing with this insurance and for whom? She had plenty of assets. In her case, life insurance wasn’t at all needed. She smiled when we told her not to renew the policy. Not having to pay that premium meant she could spend more on traveling and that made her happy!
Life insurance is a great way to save for retirement.
There are many other vehicles for retirement savings that are less expensive than insurance. You may also be paying too much in premiums for homeowners and car insurance.

Elizabeth, 72
"How do I handle my brother's estate?"
Elizabeth, a woman we had known for a while through networking groups, called one day to say her brother had just passed away and she needed help. We agreed to meet the following week and when she arrived she was dragging a cart behind her of banker’s boxes. Her brother’s estate was in a chaos-no clear list of investments, accounts scattered across numerous banks, paper certificates found in, and on his desk are only a few of the issues we encountered. It was a lengthy process of many months before everything was properly registered and consolidated. Elizabeth was so relieved when it was all done. She immediately asked for our help in organizing her estate because she did not want to leave a mess like this to her heirs!
Estate planning is for the rich.
From the moment you have any assets, you need an estate plan. Estate planning is for everyone. It will make it infinitely easier for your loved ones after you are gone.
Truth: From the moment you have any assets, you need an estate plan. Estate planning is for everyone. It will make it infinitely easier for your loved ones after you are gone.

Elizabeth was dragging a cart behind her of banker's boxes. Her brother's estate was in chaos - no clear list of investments, accounts scattered across numerous banks, paper certificates found in and on his desk are only a few of the issues we encountered.

Elliott and Audrey came to us with investments in 17 different places: old 401ks from past jobs, accounts inherited from parents and mutual funds statements from long-ago investing. Their dining room table was loaded with unopened envelopes - some including checks!

Eliott and Audrey, 66 & 69
"Their dining room table was loaded with unopened envelopes - some including checks!"
Elliott and Audrey came to us with investments in 17 different places: old 401ks from past jobs, accounts inherited from parents and mutual funds statements from long-ago investing. Their dining room table was loaded with unopened envelopes – some including checks! They had no idea what they owned or if the investments were right for them. After all of their accounts were centralized at TD Ameritrade Institutional, just having everything in one place was liberating. What a relief! Only one quarterly statement with all of their holdings. And they were able to eat in the dining room again!
Having investments in multiple places means you are diversified.
The goal is to simplify; to collect everything in one place! All custodians are insured so there is no need to hold your accounts in different places. On the contrary, it’s confusing and leaves your beneficiaries with a lot of additional stress – just what they don’t need at that time.
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Investment advisory services offered through Better Money Decisions, LLC, an investment advisor registered through the SEC.